A New Smile Was the Best Investment of My Life

A New Smile Was the Best Investment of My Life

3 Tips for Traveling Safely After a Tooth Extraction

Oscar Allen

You can't time a dental emergency. This means that you might find yourself needing to have a tooth extracted right before you are scheduled to fly out of town for business or pleasure.

The removal of a tooth isn't considered to be major surgery by most dentists, but you will still experience some pain, swelling, and discomfort following the procedure. Flying can exacerbate these symptoms. You need to be prepared to combat any complications if you need to travel soon after having a tooth extraction.

1. Bring along an empty resealable plastic bag.

Many patients complain of pain and swelling in the days following a tooth extraction. An ice pack can help alleviate these types of discomfort, but an ice pack might be impossible to come by when you are inside the cabin of an airplane.

The solution is simple—pack an empty resealable plastic bag in your carry-on luggage. If you find that you need to ice the area of the extraction, you can ask your flight attendant to fill the bag with ice.

2. Pack your own snacks.

Most commercial flights offer passengers an in-flight beverage and snack. The types of foods that you can eat in the days immediately following a tooth extraction could be limited.

Your dentist might have you stick to soft foods to avoid causing any additional irritation of the gums near the extraction site. You will probably want to avoid anything salty as well, since the salt could increase your pain.

Most of the snacks provided by an airline (pretzels, peanuts, etc.) are not suitable for consumption after a tooth extraction. Pack your own snacks and a refillable water bottle to ward off thirst and hunger safely on your flight.

3. Carry some spare gauze.

It's not uncommon to experience some bleeding in the days after you have a tooth extracted. Even if you have not experienced any bleeding in the hours immediately before your flight, you need to carry some extra gauze with you in your pocket or purse.

The pressure changes that occur inside the cabin of an airplane in flight might cause your extraction site to begin bleeding once again. If you have spare gauze available, you can manage the bleeding effectively.

It's best to avoid travel for a few weeks after a tooth extraction, but sometimes your schedule won't allow for this delay. Talk to your dentist or take a look at the site here to learn more information about what you can do to ensure your safety while traveling after a tooth extraction.


2024© A New Smile Was the Best Investment of My Life
About Me
A New Smile Was the Best Investment of My Life

I grew up in a home with parents who did not insist on good dental hygiene. By the time I was old enough to know better, some damage had already been done. I had many cavities, crooked teeth, and some discoloration on my teeth. I knew it would not be easy to take my smile from where it was to where it is today, but I was determined to finally have nice teeth. I visited a dentist who was very nice and never judged me. We made a dental plan together. Spreading the procedures out over time made it much easier to afford them. I now have almost perfect teeth after all that hard work! I created this blog to help others who have dental problems that stem from bad childhood habits know there is hope! It is never too late to start seeing the dentist!