A New Smile Was the Best Investment of My Life

A New Smile Was the Best Investment of My Life

Questions And Answers About Dental Implant Root Placement

Oscar Allen

Dental implants are one of the most common and popular options as far as tooth replacements go. Not only are the implants popular, but they are long lasting and meant to stay in the mouth forever. However, the process is complicated and often confusing to patients, even after they discuss surgery with an oral surgeon. One of the most confusing aspects of the process involves placement and you may have several questions in regard to the way the implant root is set in the jaw.

Why Is The Implant Root So Deep?

Oral surgeons and dental professionals work with patients and outline a surgical plan. You may see some pictures that show the implant root and its depth in the jaw and you are likely to see that the implant device sits much deeper in that bone than your normal tooth roots. The length of the titanium root device varies depending on the location of the implant. Implants range from short to long. Short implants are between six and nine millimeters long, medium ones are between ten and twelve millimeters, and long ones are thirteen to eighteen millimeters. The vast majority of implant roots are medium or long. Typically, the shorter ones are used during mini implant or immediate load devices. However, shorter implants are associated with a higher failure rate, according to research studies.

Longer implants are generally used, because there is more of the implant for the jawbone to attach itself to. This allows for more substantial osseointegration between the implant and the jaw during the dental implant placement. While medium-long implants may be used in certain areas of the mouth, longer ones are best used in the back where a great deal of bite stress is placed on the implant.

The implant roots are longer than the natural tooth roots because the teeth are secured in the mouth in a few different ways. The unique thing about the teeth is that they are secured in the sockets with the assistance of the jaw as well as soft tissues. Periodontal ligaments and membrane tissues both keep your teeth in place. Implants do not have the benefit of the soft tissues, so longer roots are required to match the strength and security of your natural teeth.

Why Are Implants Angled?

Most dental implants are placed straight down into the jaw. The root device will then sit a few millimeters from the natural dental roots on the right and left. This allows for a secure implant root that will not interfere with the other teeth. However, the straight implants can only be placed in areas of the mouth where the anatomy allows for this. There are a wide variety of blood vessels, nerves, sinuses, and other structures that can be damaged or compromised by the implant if secured in a straight manner.

To ensure that damage is minimal, the implant is angled. If the implant is angled, then the root can also be longer to allow for better security, so this helps to reduce failure risks. If the implant is not angled, then a shorter one would be needed and your tooth would not be nearly as secure. 

If a dental implant is angled, you may be concerned about a crooked tooth. However, an attachment will be added to the root that allows for the straight positioning of the artificial tooth. If you have concerns about angling, then speak to your dental professional. He or she will be able to show you an example of an angled abutment and how it connects to the top of the root device. 

Dental implant surgeries do take some time to schedule and plan, and your dentist should be able to walk you through every step of the process, so make sure to ask when it comes to confusing implant placement. 


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A New Smile Was the Best Investment of My Life

I grew up in a home with parents who did not insist on good dental hygiene. By the time I was old enough to know better, some damage had already been done. I had many cavities, crooked teeth, and some discoloration on my teeth. I knew it would not be easy to take my smile from where it was to where it is today, but I was determined to finally have nice teeth. I visited a dentist who was very nice and never judged me. We made a dental plan together. Spreading the procedures out over time made it much easier to afford them. I now have almost perfect teeth after all that hard work! I created this blog to help others who have dental problems that stem from bad childhood habits know there is hope! It is never too late to start seeing the dentist!